Are you a Private Label Brand, White Label Brand, or have completely unique, manufactured products? Do you import your products internationally or have a variety of manufacturers around the world producing your products? We can help!

Also known as "Amazon Drip", if we simply receive in standard case packs and don't have to open the box, our Private Label case forwarding process is extremely simple!

Bundling or Part Replacement
Have an item you need us to pack with other parts or products? Did a supplier forget to include a bolt or bracket? No problem! We can help with our prep process!
Case Forwarding / "Amazon Drip"
Case Forwarding, also known as “Amazon Drip” when Amazon’s inbound limits were implemented, is the process by which we will receive a master case of your products then ship out that exact same case without handling the units individually. Perfect for Private Label sellers who control their case pack sizes in the manufacturing process.
Case Forwarding Tips
- Ensure the box and products inside are compliant with Amazon’s Inbound Shipping requirements.
- Label the outside of the box with a single FNSKU, UPC, or Other Identifiable Barcode and your SKU.
- If inbound is via UPS, affix a single UPS Shipping Label to the box.
- Ensure the “Ship To” name is your company name or personal name